More info: +39 049 9455839

We continue to work safely to protect the health of all of us

In accordance with the new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers signed last March 22, which, in order to stem the spread of the epidemiological emergency linked to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), introduced further restrictive measures regarding industrial and commercial production activities as well as personal mobility, Nevertheless, Fral in full sense of responsibility and safety for all its employees continues to supply its customers engaged in the supply of portable air conditioners and dehumidifiers for the food industry, but especially for field hospitals created by the various civil protections of the individual states in order to increase the capacity of places for intensive care and not.

Fral continues its operations with pre-sales and after-sales services, activating and encouraging smart working for majority of technical and administrative staff wherever possible.

Thanks to the headquarters in China and the worldwide capillarity of Fral customers, we have been able to overcome the economic uncertainty in the old continent.

Stay strong, stay positive, and never give up.


I deumidificatori fissi Fral serie FSW sono apparecchi di elevate prestazioni, utilizzabili in molteplici applicazioni sono particolarmente adatti alla
deumidificazione delle zone con piscina in quanto resistenti alla corrosione dovuta al cloro. Dispongono di filtro in poliuretano ad alta efficienza
lavabile e facilmente sostituibile, possibilità di scarico diretto o con l’istallazione opzionale di una pompa di sollevamento della condensa che
permette di mandare la condensa fino ad un’altezza di 3,5 mt dal livello di posizionamento della macchina.
I deumidificatori fissi Fral serie FSW possono essere provvisti a richiesta di resistenze elettriche o di batteria ad acqua calda per il riscaldamento.
Il design raffinato li rende particolarmente adatti all’installazione in ambienti particolari come biblioteche ed uffici.

Luxury Pool

Installation industrial dehumidifier FRAL model FD520TCR with humidity and temperature control at a luxurious penthouse.
With the help of a study design and an installation company it was completed in 2016, the project to control humidity and temperature at a beautiful penthouse with a swimming pool, sauna and turkish bath. The FD520TCR model with modulating control of the temperatures Ensures the correct humidity while Maintaining the large windows always dry. The temperature modulating control Allows to dispose excess heat outside due to dehumidification process and solar irradiation.